The Driver Who Saved A Kitten’s Life

The driver who saved a kitten's life

There is nothing more harrowing than seeing our pet in some kind of danger. From the moment they enter our homes for the first time, they become part of our lives, our family, becoming a part of us.

We don’t know if the heroine in this story has a pet or not, but what she showed with her attitude was that she understands very well the value of an animal’s life and the suffering of the owner of one of them. This is a beautiful true story where we see that there are still people who love animals and are willing to do a lot for them.

The anguish begins

woman with her cat

As it does every day, a woman whose name we don’t know was going somewhere with her motorcycle. Every day, his path passed without a hitch, but this day… this day was different. Stopping at an intersection with traffic lights, she couldn’t hold back a scream as she saw how a kitten was fighting for its life.

Without knowing how, or when or where, a small kitten that was only about 2 or 3 months old finds itself in the middle of a very busy main street, to the point of being run over by the big wheels of huge cars passing through it.

What anguish! We already understand why the driver screamed. Every time she saw that, despite having dodged a car, the kitten moved to the other side, taking risks again, a knot formed in our protagonist’s heart.

The driver kept waving her hands at the cars that were driving in the opposite direction, where the little kitten was.

She made every possible attempt to make the drivers see that there was a small animal on the street and that they could kill it. But obviously the drivers didn’t understand what was going on, and many didn’t even see their gestures.

And then the light turned green…

white kitten

We don’t know how this kitten got out unharmed after being in the middle of the street the cars were passing by. The driver sighed with relief to see that the traffic light finally turned green for her and red for the opposite side, where the kitten was. She couldn’t take her eyes off the little animal and a lady who was very nervous on the opposite sidewalk and who, by her attitude, showed that she wanted to do something.

The driver didn’t think twice and when her traffic light turned green, she went on the opposite side to where the kitten was. She didn’t even bother to stop the bike properly; he left it on the ground and took the cat without delay to retrieve it.

It was a beautiful cinnamon-colored Persian kitten who couldn’t resist the driver who took him in her arms. She put it in her backpack and walked over to the nervous lady across the street.

It is not known if she was the owner of the kitten or simply a worried animal lover. There are several hypotheses, and one of them is that the little one has fallen out of a company car. Another possibility is that this lady was the owner, and the third is that the driver took the kitten to her house in her backpack.

It is not known what the right story is, but in any case, the feline was able to save itself thanks to this driver, and we are certain that she herself took it upon herself to find a place where this little animal is raised with everything necessary, both material and emotionally.

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