The Incredible Story Of Ginny, The Little Dog Who Dedicated Her Life To Saving Cats

The incredible story of Ginny, the little dog who dedicated her life to saving cats

“They get along like cats and dogs”. A famous phrase that we hear a lot and that may have promoted the idea that dogs and cats don’t get along very well. But animals always surprise us as their beautiful qualities are far above ours. They do not distinguish species, race, color, size or weight. Everything in their hearts is focused on doing good. That’s why you’ll be surprised by the incredible story of Ginny, the bitch who dedicated her life to saving cats.

Ginny is a bitch with a special feeling for cats. Do you want to know her story?

Ginny’s origin

Ginny’s story is not very pleasant. She, at first, was a man who didn’t take good care of her. In fact, she was found in an apartment where Ginny’s tenant and owner had abandoned her.

Well, he not only abandoned the apartment, he also left Ginny with her three cubs without food and without water. All cruelty.

Ginny is a very peculiar little dog, as she is a mix of Schnauzer and Husky, something unusual and that makes her have a special beauty. And your greatest beauty is within you.

How was Ginny’s rescue?



Ginny was transported to a hospital because everyone thought the best thing would be for her to be sacrificed. Their puppies did not survive. However, Ginny was a fighting dog who wanted to live and that urge made her move on.

Little by little, she recovered and was adopted by a man who suffered from depression. Ginny greatly influenced this man’s recovery, so much so that this gentleman could no longer imagine his life without her. Ginny became everything for him.

But the title of this article says that Ginny was dedicated to saving cats, the question is:

Where did your love for saving cats come from?

Once, Ginny was happily strolling around with her new owner, Ginny started to tap her paws on some pipes. It wasn’t a simple joke, she was banging so hard that she ended up breaking the pipes. Inside were three little kittens that would have died if not for Ginny.

Ginny’s owner grabbed the kittens in his arms to lead them to a protective animal association and there, again, his little dog turned to heroin. She stopped in front of the cage of a cat that looked blind and didn’t move until her owner adopted her to become part of the family.

Animal analysts who knew her said that her maternal instinct was largely developed, especially towards cats and, among them, the neediest and most suffering.

The family grows…

One day, too, this beautiful little dog befriended a stray cat. Its owner, moved by all the love he felt for her, adopted him. They soon learned that the cat was deaf. Ginny had acted again!

This story was repeated several times with abandoned cats, sick, mute, blind, until she and her owner shared the house with twenty cats!

Unfortunately, this puppy of noble feelings died in 2005, but according to her owner, hundreds of cats were saved. It is also said that an elderly person who was about to be run over was rescued by the little dog Ginny.

Her story was so special and full of feelings that it inspired two books and also its owner, who dedicated himself to raising funds to help the most disadvantaged cats. Without a doubt, the little dog left a legacy that many will never forget.

What great lessons animals teach us! It’s so easy for us humans to judge people by their skin color, religion, physical appearance and other superficial aspects that don’t indicate at all what’s underneath it all. Seeing a puppy fight against all prejudices should motivate us to analyze ourselves and think about what is in our hearts.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If you speak English you will understand the content of this video, but if you don’t speak, I assure you that the images will be more than enough for you to understand the video… the moving story of the heroine dog who loved to save cats.

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