The Mole, An Excellent Engineer

This underground animal is capable of creating galleries with a length of 1.5 meters. You need to eat at least once every 24 hours, otherwise you will die.
The mole, an excellent engineer

It lives in the north of the planet, is an underground being and shares many customs with the shrews. So, in this article, we’ll talk about an animal  known for its engineering skills and ability to spend a lot of time underground. 

Mole Characteristics

It is a placental mammal   that, depending on the species, can measure between 2.5 and 20 centimeters and weigh from 12 to 550 grams.

Thanks to its spindle-shaped body – like that of aquatic animals – the mole can live underground without problems.

The eyes are tiny and covered with skin, therefore, they do not need this meaning in underground life. She developed more touch:  her muzzle, face, extremities and tail are very sensitive to stimuli.

The mole’s legs are short, but very strong,  with claws that allow them to dig and make galleries up to 1.5 meters in length. 

In addition, the palms of the hands are oriented upwards and backwards and, in addition, they act as perfect shovels for digging.

Mole’s food and habits

The mole is an insectivorous animal whose diet is based mainly on earthworms. But, depending on the time of year, it can also eat reptiles, small rodents, roots, tubers and fruits.

Your mouth can generate toxic saliva that paralyzes your prey; so she can store them alive until she eats them.

mole with its big claws

Since her metabolism is so fast, she has to eat between 50 and 100% of her weight a day. Therefore, you cannot go more than 24 hours without eating; otherwise, it dies. 

Most of them eat their food underground, but some appear on the surface to eat.

Mostly,  moles are diurnal and nocturnal animals and, every four hours of activity, they sleep the same amount of time.

Of solitary habits, they are very hard to see. We only notice that there is a burrow because of the mounds of earth that appear on the surface.

the mole like a plague

People who live in the countryside or work in agriculture consider the mole to be a pest. That’s because it causes a lot of damage to crops.

Its voracious appetite does not leave any worms, plants or roots in a reasonably large territory.

mole hole

Examples of mole species

Within the Talpidae family  – to which the moles belong – we can find several ‘tribes’ or species, among which we highlight the following, because they are the best known:

  1. common mole

Also known as a European mole, it lives throughout the European continent and extends to Siberia, mainly in forests, meadows, fields and gardens.

It measures about 6 inches, has a short tail, and shares many features with others of its type:  pointed snout, small eyes, and spade-shaped front legs.

  1. star nose mole

It is found throughout North America, especially on the northeast coast of the United States.

As its name suggests, it  has a different nose that includes 22 mobile and flexible pink tentacles, which allow it to increase its sensitivity underground.

In addition, this mole is about eight  inches long, with short gray fur, sharp claws and a long, scaly tail. 

It breeds in spring and summer, gestation lasts 45 days and each litter is formed by up to six offspring, which are born without hair.

  1. hairy-tailed mole

It is a North American species that prefers open and forested areas with dry soils. It measures 15 centimeters in length, has a dark gray coat, the eyes are covered with fur and has no external ears.

Both the muzzle and the legs are pink, the nose ends at a point and its main feature is the short tail  – about three centimeters – with lots of hair. Above all, it feeds on insects and earthworms, has nocturnal habits and is solitary.

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