The Most Common Chiropractic Techniques For Cats

Chiropractic techniques are very beneficial for cats as they alleviate any problems they may have with their nervous system. Learn to identify the right chiropractor for you.
The Most Common Chiropractic Techniques for Cats

Chiropractic techniques offer many health benefits to cats. However, these techniques will not be the same for all felines.

Each cat is unique and their bodies work in a similar way, but with small details that set them apart. A suitable professional will understand your pet’s particularities and will know which treatment is best for him.

A chiropractor is a professional who knows how your cat’s nervous system works. In addition, it is trained to alleviate problems your cat may have due to irritation in the nervous system.

A chiropractor is an alternative medicine practitioner. On the first visit to a chiropractor, you can expect a complete checkup for your cat. The main factors that should always be evaluated are posture, vertebral alignment, and cranial and limb palpation.

In addition, the chiropractor will want to assess the motor skills of your cat’s spine and limbs. Although it may sound unusual, many cats suffer from orthopedic problems.

Initial palpations and assessments will allow the chiropractor to determine your cat’s body condition. In the case of cats, it is very important that their vertebrae are in perfect condition.

cat going to the chiropractor

Aspects to Consider Before Choosing a Chiropractic Practitioner

A chiropractor must carefully explain the therapeutic process your cat will undergo. It is recommended that you, as the caregiver, and the chiropractor understand each other and establish a bond of trust.

You should feel free to ask several questions before applying the treatment to your feline. Chiropractic care is a delicate process that requires a properly trained professional.

If you’re not sure what characteristics to look for in a chiropractic practitioner, we recommend starting with the following:

  1. Be sure to ask your regular veterinarian about your cat’s medical history. It is necessary for the chiropractor to be properly informed about their patient before any treatment.
  2. Ask the meaning of any concepts you don’t understand. Sometimes medical professionals use technical language. So if you don’t understand a term, ask specifically.
  3. It is necessary for the professional to be able to alleviate your worries and calm your cat. Observe your cat when interacting with the professional before any intervention. This will show if they get along well enough.
  4. We recommend that you find a professional willing to dedicate time to the treatment.

Many cats prefer chiropractic techniques when the practitioner is silent or quiet. Cats are prone to be nervous about sudden movements or loud noises.

Therefore, during chiropractic care, it is recommended that the animal be in a calm environment.

Symptoms that indicate the need for chiropractic techniques for cats

Cats benefit greatly from chiropractic techniques. Even if your cat doesn’t usually get much exercise, all felines are athletic animals. That’s part of your nature.

For this reason, all cats must be able to jump, run, spin and stretch without any inconvenience. However, accidental falls cause a cat to suffer from imbalances in its spine.

Gato pulando de local muito alto

When the spine is out of balance, the nervous system is affected. In turn, an irritated nervous system can lead to problems with your cat’s organs and muscles.

Symptoms that indicate an imbalance in a cat’s spine can be varied. However, some of these symptoms include tenderness in some areas of the body and lameness.

In addition, your cat may experience unexpected or unusual tiredness and reluctance to interact with humans or other animals.

Some cats, when suffering from nervous problems, may experience sudden mood swings. Many cats can become skittish or have depression and decreased appetite.

All these symptoms present themselves progressively, so you should be very attentive to your cat’s behavior. It may take some time to notice these symptoms, so you should always consult your veterinarian.

The work of a chiropractor is not a substitute for that of a veterinarian. Even if you consult a veterinarian who specializes in alternative medicine, your cat must also be evaluated by a traditional veterinarian.


Chiropractic techniques for cats work in a way that complements traditional medicine. Thus, their effects are most beneficial when they are part of a recovery program designed together with your regular veterinarian.

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