The Training Of Pointing Dogs

Although they are among the hunting breeds, these dogs have the ability to tell their master exactly where potential prey is. They carry out orders with great discipline, because if they don’t remain completely still they can frighten the animal.
The training of pointing dogs

Pointing dogs, as certain hunting dogs are also called, have innate abilities to do their job. These come from genetics, although that doesn’t mean they don’t need training.

Although a pointing dog is a hunting dog, it is not a hunter. It is only  instinctively able to point out where the prey is down, which gives confidence and saves the hunter time.

Training of pointing dogs: how to do it

They are called pointing dogs because what they do is “point” at the hunter, with complete precision, where the prey is.

In fact, the difficulty with this type of training is not teaching the pointing dog, because, as we said before, this is something innate in the dog.

What you have to do is teach him is to collaborate with the hunter; although the most logical thing is that the dog has been trained by a professional, there are many things you can also do.

Let’s see what this training consists of.


The first thing you  should teach a pointing dog is to follow orders ; one of the main ones is to respond to the call. Therefore, the animal should come to you when you call it.

In addition, he must learn to obey when you tell him to go to his prey, as well as when you tell him to give it to you, regardless of whether he is on land or in water.

pointing dogs

interact with the hunter

Because of their innate hunting instincts, pointing dogs may believe they are capable of doing this job autonomously. This is one of the most important steps to get a good collaboration.

The animal  must learn to collaborate with its owner, in this case, the hunter.  This is achieved by creating a good relationship between them, in which trust and love are the fundamental foundation.

Play postures

The animal will have to  learn different postures to show its partner, the hunter, where the prey is. So, he will go ahead and guide his owner, with no margin for error.

Is it possible to train a dog to be a pointing dog?

Although many dogs are pointing dogs because of their genetics,  other dogs suitable for hunting can be trained to do so. 

However, they will need more exhaustive training, because you will have to teach them to have an instinct they don’t have.

pointing dogs

This training for pointing dogs, or better, for your dog to be a pointing dog,  must be carried out by a professional.

Only they know what kind of activities are needed in each of the phases.

What are the best pointing dogs

The animals best known as  pointing dogs are the setter, pointer, Breton spaniel, deutscher drathaar and all types of arms. 

In addition, the Burgos Retriever and the Pachón de Navarra are well known as pointing dogs in northern Spain.

We hope we have provided you with the information you need to learn more about pointing dogs and their training.

Without a doubt, they are animals that were born for this and that help all those who need them in sport hunting.

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