Tips For Choosing A Muzzle For Your Dog

This decision will be fundamental for the animal’s well-being and, above all, for its own safety and that of other people on the streets.
Tips for choosing a muzzle for your dog

There are several situations where a responsible owner must put a muzzle on their dog. 

While this contraption may seem synonymous with cruelty or neglect in canine education for many, from an objective standpoint, choosing a  muzzle for your dog is key to your safety and that of those around you.

When is the muzzle needed?

In situations like the ones described below, a muzzle can be very helpful for your dog’s health and safety.

  • In the event that  your pet has been in an accident  and is recovering from injuries, a muzzle will allow him not to poke them and therefore this will greatly reduce the risk of infection.
  • If  your dog’s personality  makes you worry about the well-being of people he doesn’t know, or you know he’s going to be exposed to some kind of stimulus that causes him stress, a muzzle will provide calm and security.
  • Some pets never get used to  visits to the bath and groom or to the vet. A muzzle will therefore be needed in these cases.
  • Some countries require  by law  that certain breeds considered  dangerous to  wear a muzzle in public spaces.
    focinheira pra cães

Types of muzzles, considering: shape, size and material

Depending on their circumstances, each animal will require the owner to know how to correctly choose the muzzle.

The  most traditional muzzle  is woven, similar to a basket. It is rigid and is usually made with wires that interpose between the dog’s teeth and the outside.

For many, the more traditional, uncomfortable-looking and restrictive muzzle may not be ideal for small dogs.

The soft muzzle, on the other hand, is  made of  flexible materials  that adapt to the animal’s jaw and head.

Although more comfortable in appearance, it can be one of the most dangerous for the animal, as it  can block the   dog’s sweat  glands and cause heat stroke in the summer months.

muzzled dog

For an emergency, you can even  make your own muzzle at home, thanks to different websites where you can find instructions for this.

The materials you can use are everyday items such as rope, socks or fabric, although this is not ideal.

For  your dog to end up accepting the use of the muzzle, try bringing the accessory into your daily life and reward your pet with prizes each time he wears it for an extended period.

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