Tips To Start Running With Your Dog

Physical activity is beneficial to both humans and pets, but it is also true that certain precautions must be taken with regard to physical condition, age, breed, weather conditions and hydration. Also, it is important to maintain a progressive training load.
Advice to start running with your dog

Have you thought about starting running with your dog?  Sometimes the best companion for our daily training is our pet. The reality is that the dog and the running make a good combination, and besides, the animal can be a great motivation to keep practicing.

Advantages of starting to run with your dog

Dogs are runners by nature and therefore can make ideal running companions. You need to keep in mind that they don’t get obsessed with calories or miles to go; they just follow us and have fun.

Our friends not only serve as companions, but help us develop healthy exercise habits. There are several studies whose findings say that a sedentary lifestyle is much less common in those who have a pet at home.

The dog, like so many other animals, is an animal of habits, and this supposes an ideal motivation for the practice of running. Our friend will always be ready to run, and he will often be the one who will insist that his owner leave the house.

running with your dog

Advice to take into account before starting to run with your dog

The habit of running with a dog not only benefits people’s health, it also strengthens the bonds between the owner and the pet. There are many benefits of starting to run with your dog, but some issues need to be taken into account to practice this physical activity more safely.

Consult the veterinarian

It is very important to consult your veterinarian before including your dog in race plans. It is necessary that a specialist examines, assesses and decides if your physical condition is adequate to perform this activity. In this way, we will be able to avoid surprises regarding the animal’s health.

If the dog becomes a regular athlete in this activity, it is advisable to have a check-up every year. Intense exercise can cause kidney and musculoskeletal injuries.

Wait until the dog is big enough

Precautions must be greater for those who have puppies. In these cases, it is advisable to wait for the animal to grow and develop sufficiently before carrying out activities such as running. In any case, excessive exercise damages the joints of young puppies.

Some races are better than others for running

In general, dogs of all breeds can practice amateur running. In the case of short and small dogs, which often have respiratory problems, it is not advisable to run. Larger animals are always recommended to accompany us in physical exercise.

Woman running with her dog in the sand.

Do not run in the sun and/or high temperatures

This is a very important thing to keep in mind, especially in summer. Dogs don’t sweat like humans and their heat resistance is much lower. The system for eliminating perspiration in dogs is panting, but with high temperatures the process is very slow.

With the high temperatures and high incidence of sunlight , it is better to avoid the central hours of the day. It is advisable to exercise before 10:00 am and after 8:00 pm or 9:00 pm.


As with all living things, hydration is essential for our pets. This is also true in the case of the dog that runs, but it cannot be done in any way.

It is recommended not to provide water to our dog once the activity is over; the animal, like its owner, is very fatigued and drinking too much water can cause it to collapse. It’s best to wait until the dog has calmed down before hydrating him.

gradual training

As with people,  the dog has to practice the race with its owner in a gradual and progressive way. He will eventually get used to the owner’s rhythm, but he has to do this little by little.

Besides running, there are many other sports we can do with our pets. Another very interesting activity is hiking, when the dog and the owner spend an extraordinary day together in the mountains or on the beach. For this experience to be a success, the same tips we’ve seen here will do.

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