Veterinarians And Hunters Arrested For Mutilating Dogs

Veterinarians and hunters arrested for mutilating dogs

Unfortunately, animal abuse is increasing and, although this is not an excuse for someone to commit it, it even hurts more when we see that this can come from professionals who should take care of animals. This is the case of a group of veterinarians who have teamed up with another group of hunters and who have been doing something horrible. But nothing is hidden for long and they will have to pay for it, as mutilating dogs is something terrible and loathsome.

Today we’ll talk about a heartbreaking case of animal abuse. A group of hunters dedicated themselves to cutting the tails and ears of dogs with a razor cut, without anesthesia or operating rooms, did they think they were bullfighters in a bullfight? We will tell you more about this deplorable event.

Mutilate dogs without the operating room, why?

mutilated dog

These hunters took their dogs to the field to, without anesthesia or any other type of hospital protocol, cut their ears and tail with a razor.

As reported at the trial, this was done so that when the dogs were in their hunting work they would not get tangled up in the bushes. Even if that were true, this is a small surgical and cosmetic operation that costs 40 euros per dog. What a shame!

The saddest thing about all this is that a group of six veterinarians supported this practice by falsifying documents and making people believe that the operations were being carried out in healthy and legal conditions.

What does this imply for dogs?

In addition to the terrible pain that the animals had to go through, this creates wounds that take months to heal, if they are completely healed. By not being cured, they will be exposed to infections and illnesses that could even cause the animal’s death.

Operation Ears (ears) to mutilate dogs

This police operation by “Seprona”, the Andalusian environmental authority, started a year ago and already has 32 arrested for the facts, but they will not stop until the figure of 50 hunters they estimate to have committed such crimes is completed. of the 6 veterinarians who have already been arrested.

Last month, in the first week of the hearing, the first hunter to be punished was asked for 10 months in prison.

His excuse was based on saying that this has been done for many years and by many people and that nothing has ever happened to the dogs, who were just following an ancestral tradition. We are glad that those guilty of acts like this are fined and condemned!

The Council of Veterinary Schools of Andalusia fully collaborated with “Seprona” in order to identify the seriousness of the relationship of these veterinarians with hunters, they will lose their license to practice as a veterinarian for life, if the veracity of the evidence is shown. . Congratulations to the good professionals willing to do justice!


The Council of Veterinary Schools of Andalusia wants to make it clear that this action will not go unpunished and that they will be deaf to the pleas of those involved. If the law demonstrates the illegality of their actions, they will be expelled from the Council and will not be able to return to their profession.

“This could damage everyone’s reputation. They flout the law, while 3700 Andalusian veterinarians struggle to get things done legally. It’s not fair that people distrust us all because of 6”.

This fact happened in Spain and it is still running, punishing the guilty and holding trial sessions. We hope that the new changes in Spanish laws against animal abuse will serve to give these people, and all those who like to mistreat animals, an exemplary punishment for mutilating dogs. These people deserve to be punished.

And as we always tell you, if you see any kind of animal abuse, please don’t shut up, report it!

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