Welsh Corgi Pembroke: Care And Characteristics

When creating a Welsh Corgi Pembroke, it is important not to overfeed it. This breed loves to eat, so their dogs have a tendency to be overweight.
Welsh Corgi Pembroke: care and characteristics

The Welsh Corgi Pembroke is extremely friendly to all human beings, whether they are familiar or not. They love their family and are kind to small children. However, they do not get along with other dogs unless they are socialized from an early age.

Although they are very intelligent and food-driven dogs, there are certain trainings that can be difficult for them. For example, training them not to bark will be a chore, as they love to bark almost as much as eating.

Care of the Welsh Corgi Pembroke 

Corgis are extremely easy to care for. They have short fur and don’t shed as much hair as many other canine breeds. The only concern is the fact that they drool a lot and therefore it is necessary to wipe around their mouths.


These dogs are excellent at adapting to different living conditions. However, as they come from the cold climate of Wales, they do not do well in places with warm temperatures.

Corgis like to herd and need a good amount of daily exercise. They like to go out for walks and have fun playing with their humans. Be sure to keep them active, otherwise they are likely to be overweight.

Origins of the Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Ever wonder why the Queen of England loves and has raised so many Pembrokes in her life? It’s because the Welsh Corgi Pembroke originated not far from there, in Pembrokeshire, Wales. So your name is appropriate and obvious.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

The story of Pembroke’s emergence originates in ancient Welsh folklore. According to legend, two children were playing in the field when they encountered two foxes. But they weren’t like any other fox they’d ever seen. So the children took them home, eager to show them to their parents.

As soon as the parents inspected these mysterious animals, they discovered they were dogs. Then the children were told that they were gifts from fairies wandering the fields. Yes, they said the Pembrokes pulled fairy chariots as they rode into battle.

the dog of the vikings

More seriously, there are other explanations that differ from the fairy one. Historians claim that modern corgi breeds are descended from the Vallhunds. These Swedish herding dogs were brought to Wales around the 9th century by the Vikings.

However, the exact origin of the Welsh Corgi Pembroke is still unknown. At the time, dogs were bred as experiments to find the best herding dog. These breeders never kept records of which dogs were bred with others. But with a little luck, these amazing dogs were born.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke Features 

The Welsh Corgi Pembroke is known for its short, thick legs and long body. This breed of dog is generally recognized as being medium in size. The ideal weight for Pembroke is around 13 kilos. But because these dogs have a tendency to overeat, many of them outweigh this weight.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke


It’s true that these dogs were  bred for herding in the past, but don’t expect them to do much of that work these days. Today, most Pembrokes are mainly used as family dogs. They are usually very affectionate and happy dogs.

They can also be very stubborn dogs. But because they’re so smart – the Pembrokes are the eleventh ranked smartest dog breed – they usually have an independent mindset. This means they are very aware of situations and like to think for themselves.

Training a Pembroke

The fact that they are so smart makes them very trainable. They learn dog tricks very quickly from an early age. However, don’t expect them to be too eager to perform these tricks for you. Some Pembrokes need a little motivation to obey these tricks (hint: treats!).

Food-crazed dog breeds like the Pembroke make great learners, as treats act as the best form of motivation. But be careful as they are very prone to overeating. Once they’ve put on a lot of weight, it can be difficult to lose those extra pounds.


These dogs have large ears and are sometimes very sensitive to noise. They bark at almost everything. Certainly, they will warn you with loud barks if an intruder approaches the property. But don’t think they’ll get super aggressive if someone breaks into your house. 

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