What Do I Do If My Cat Does Everything Outside The Litter Box?

What do I do if my cat does everything outside the litter box?

When a cat does his needs outside the proper place  or litter box, it could be a sign of a behavioral problem. Pussies are very careful with their hygiene.

It is possible that you are stressed due to different situations. It is necessary to find the cause and the way to solve this problem. It is not about imposing a punishment on him, but about finding a solution.

Your cat does not respect the role of the litter box. Could this mean he has a health problem?

The first steps are for the veterinarian to rule out any health problems.

Certain disorders can increase the amount of urine excreted, decrease the sphincter’s ability to hold the sphincter, or make the kitten feel painful when urinating. This happens when the animal suffers from lower urinary tract diseases such as cystitis, kidney failure, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc.

Age makes it difficult to get to the sandbox on time


Age problems, such as neurological diseases and severe arthritis, can make it difficult for him to get to the sandbox in time, when he wants to take care of his needs.

To resolve this situation, it is necessary to bring the place where the litter box is located or facilitate access to the cat. In addition, we can choose a sandbox with low edges and place it close to where it rests.

the stress

There are other circumstances that can alter the rhythms and behavior of our domestic cats .

Some examples of these situations are: the arrival of a new tenant or family members at home, a move, returning home after a hospital stay, etc. Simple routine changes also affect our feline friend.

When these changes happen, the most appropriate is to respect the stipulated times for their routines. So it is with your food, brushing your hair, etc. Also, you need to take time, once a day, to pet him and let him relax.

Certain natural substances, such as Bach flower remedies and feline natural pheromones, will help a lot. They facilitate our cat’s relaxation and its feeling of comfort in relation to its surroundings.

Reasons to downsize the sandbox space

If the cat does his needs outside the litter box and in other parts of the house, he may not find the litter box comfortable. This can be due to several reasons:

  • A poor cleaning of the box. Cats are very dedicated to their hygiene and will not want to go to bed in a box that is not clean. The ideal is to remove the waste every day and change the sand depending on the type of waste.
  • The change of sand, if it accumulates, must be done every day. If you use regular sand, the ideal is every 7-10 days, since the silica crystals should be changed twice a month, if the box is used by only one feline.
  • According to the absorbent material of the box. Care must be taken when choosing the brand, size or smell of the material, stone or sand in the box.
  • The location of the sandbox is also important. She should be in a quiet place for the cat to feel safe. In addition, it must be away from traffic and noise, and it must not be near your food and drinking fountains.
  • Don’t move the sandbox  because that way our feline friend will be confused.

Features that the sandbox must have

The type of box, that is, the litter box, should be high and deep so that the animal feels comfortable going in and taking care of its needs.

Cats tend to prefer boxes that are not too tall, but wide and deep enough. Also, some cats are reserved, preferring covered boxes that preserve their intimacy, while others prefer open boxes.

Anyway, it is important that the litter box is used so that the cat feels at ease.

the cat alone or isolated

cat litter

If the cat feels very lonely or sad, it tends to defecate anywhere in the house. This has scientific reasons.

Substances excreted in feces give off an odor that makes the cat feel more comfortable and/or less helpless. It may even be that he waits for his owner to find them and that way he knows he’s trying to tell them something.

The places they usually use as alternatives are: the bedrooms, the dining room, the passageway area of their owners, even on top of sofas, beds or armchairs.


The existence of a threat can also make cats do their needs outside their box, usually at the door of the house.

It could have been an isolated event, some loud noise, a visit by someone unknown to the house, the presence of another cat near the entrance to the house or another animal, some punishment or words said with a very strong tone against him. Or it could be some threat that builds up over time.

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