What Is The Best Meat For Your Dog

Deciding which is the best meat for your dog will depend on several factors, such as the size and breed of the furry.
What is the best meat for your dog

As pet owners, we know very well that good nutrition is essential for our pets. That’s why we try to give them the best feed and even create specific diets for their needs. In these cases, we must ask ourselves: what is the best meat for your dog?

To find the answer, it is necessary to consider several factors, such as: the breed of the dog and its size, the cut and even the origin of the meat. To help you with this task, we’ll talk about the benefits of meat for our dogs.

a natural diet

Nowadays,  there is a myth that dogs shouldn’t eat meat because they become aggressive.  This statement could not be further from the truth. Dogs are carnivorous animals by nature. Thus, the consumption of different types of meat is the basis of their diet.

Similar to wolves, dogs  have no problem digesting raw meat. In some cases they can even eat meat in the process of decomposition. However,  it is not recommended to offer cooked meat to the animal, as it loses some of its nutrients during cooking.

We must remember that puppies  have a very different digestive system from humans. Because of this, they cannot digest some foods that we consume, such as cooked meats. BARF diets often rely on different varieties of meat to enjoy all the benefits of this food.

What is the best meat for your dog?

As we know, in the world there are several species of animals that serve as food for predators. Human beings, thanks to their intelligence, learned to preserve the populations of the main animals that are most important for our food.

Thanks to that, we can apply this same principle to feed our pets. A dog can eat both beef and pork, lambs and even rabbits and poultry in general. Thus, one of the biggest questions is to know what is the best meat for your dog in terms of nutrition.

dog eating meat

First, one thing must be very clear. Lean meat is ideal  to feed our dogs, although they can still ingest fat and even viscera. In nature, animals need to take advantage of every food source they can find.

After clarifying this detail, it’s time to  evaluate the possibilities  of what is the best meat for your dog. Some have more benefits  for them (such as fish and omega-3s), while  others contain more protein or different types of fat .

Which is the best?

Providing a concrete answer to this question is very complicated and could be impossible to answer. As we said, the different types of meat have different compositions. Thus,  each one of them presents a greater benefit than the other  in different areas.

For example, if we want to offer a  high protein diet, it is common to think that red meat is ideal  for that. On the contrary, red meat is low in protein  and high in fat. Because of this, it can cause problems in certain dog breeds.

If the objective is to increase the amount of protein ingested,  the ideal is to base the diet on fish meat.  Fish is  a natural source of omega-3, a very important substance for hair health. Also, it  is low in fat, which helps to avoid digestive problems.

But unlike mammalian  meat, fish meat must be cleaned before eating. It is advisable to soak it in hot water for a few minutes to eliminate harmful toxins for your pet’s digestive system.

dog eating fish head

There are more recommended meats for certain breeds

When thinking about what is the best meat for your dog, a few factors should be considered. Size, for example, is critical  to feeding it correctly.

In what sense? Large breeds need to ingest more fat, along with protein,  to maintain their physique. In the case of  small breeds, in turn, they need foods that are lower in fat. So birds and fish are ideal for them.

Although there are more recommended cuts for our pets, we must not forget that it  is necessary to vary their food after some time. This way,  we avoid our furry being irritated or bored by eating the same thing over and over again.

In any case, if we want to offer quality food, the most important thing is to consult a veterinarian. They will know how to indicate the most beneficial foods for our pets and advise on what is the best meat for your dog.

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