What To Do If My Dog ​​bites And Breaks Objects In The House?

Having a puppy at home is not an easy task, as they love to taste everything and bite constantly. When we say “everything” we mean exactly that: everything. If your dog bites everything, it’s not difficult that when you get home you find the shoes you love bitten or litter lying on the floor.

You may also find the sofa cushions shattered or the furniture bitten. You’ve probably tried everything: getting things out of the way, closing doors, putting things higher, but none of that did much good.

The question remains what to do if your dog bites and breaks everything. Here we will first explain why dogs do this, as it is important to understand your puppy’s mind to understand their behavior. We will also give you some advice that will help you avoid this situation.

why your dog bites everything

The way a puppy understands the world is very different from ours. For them, biting is their way of perceiving the world or, in this case, the environment that surrounds them, their new home: their home.

Your puppy bites everything because that way it’s easier to know all the objects, where they are placed and what they are. The puppy does none of this to annoy you or to harm you, but rather to get used to its environment.

On many occasions, this behavior can be generated by anxiety, as puppies need to expend a lot of energy and should not be alone at home for too long. This could cause them the anxiety we have already mentioned, which leads them to destroy and bite things.

However, this behavior can turn into something harmful and destructive if it is not eliminated in time. In fact, the animal itself should stop destroying things when it reaches adulthood, but sometimes this may not happen.

For a dog that bites everything, be it a puppy or an adult, the process to be followed is the same. So, let’s give you some tips on how to make your pet stop biting everything.

What to do with a dog that bites everything

There are several things you can try at home to stop your dog from biting everything, so before you think about taking him to a professional to solve this, try:

  • Prevent access. If you see that your dog bites a specific object, choose to store it high so that it cannot reach you, place it in another place or prohibit the animal’s access by closing the door of the place where the object is.
  • Don’t give your stuff away as toys. It doesn’t matter if the shirt or shoes are old, don’t give them to your dog as a toy. The animal will not know how to differentiate the status of the article, whether it is new or old, and with that you will confuse it. If you give him a shoe, he’ll think he can bite every shoe in the house.

Author: Jorge Fco. Arana

  • Avoid punishments. A punishment will not change the dog’s behavior and will not teach him anything, so the animal will continue to do the same thing and nothing will be solved.
  • Don’t pay attention. On some occasions, this behavior is triggered by an animal’s need for attention. If you pay attention, for better or for worse, the animal will know that when it bites something it gets what it wants.
  • Reinforce the calm state. When your pet is calm, pay attention to it, pet it, pet it and hug it. So the dog will see that he has your love at any time, without the need to destroy anything.
  • Exercise. Often, this destructive behavior is caused by stress or anxiety. A good way to minimize this is by having a good exercise program for your dog. Exercising will help release stress and adrenaline, and it will tire him out, making him not want to bite into things.
  • Your own toys. Choose toys suitable for him. Buy ones that are pleasant to the dog’s palate and that he likes to bite. Keep testing until you find the right toys that he loves. Being distracted by them, he will not look for anything else to bite.

    If your dog bites everything, follow these tips that will alleviate the situation. If that still doesn’t happen, we recommend that you take your pet to a professional who specializes in canine behavior.

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