Where Can You Go With Your Pet In Barcelona?

Where can you go with your pet in Barcelona?

We love to hear about new initiatives promoted in bars, restaurants, hotels, stores and other establishments that allow you to go with your pet. Finally, a great achievement. We’ve already talked to you in another article about plans you can share with your pet in Barcelona.

Barcelona is part of the DogFriendly cities program. These are cities that have more and more places for you to go with your pet. Today, we are going to talk about Barcelona, ​​the county city of Spain.

Places to go with your pet in Barcelona

dog asks for food

Now we are going to tell you some of the establishments you can go to with your pet in Barcelona :

  • Espai Joliu. A charming place full of plants and rustic decor, which gives it a warm and charming atmosphere. In this space, you can work, chat or simply have coffee with your pet.
  • Sally Sucra. A place that offers very special breakfasts where special delicatessen dishes will surprise you. Its small terrace and tables very close to its large glass windows make it an ideal place to share your pet.
  • Petit Brot. A very ecological and very welcoming establishment created with wood, bamboo and other natural materials. There, you can enjoy a natural shake with your pet or a hypotonic lettuce sandwich, as everything at Petit Brot is ecological and special.
  • The original Cha Cha. It’s a store as its name says: very original. In it, you and your pet can be happy. It is a dog accessories store with very original designs by designers who create exclusive products just for them. Sellers are great with dogs. See and try it!
  • Tuuulibreria. Do you want to teach your dog to read? Stop by this bookstore located on Paseig da Gracia and be immersed in an avalanche of books that will take you to distant worlds, where everything is possible, including going to a bookstore with your dog. Also, if you want to take a book, you set your price.

Barcelona is one of the cities that stand out as friend of dogs, and it is one that has so many establishments to go with your pet that it is impossible to list them all. In addition, you already know that you will also be able to travel by subway or  train  with your dog through this condal city.

In addition to Barcelona…

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There are many Spanish cities that are accepting our dear pets in their restaurants, hotels, stores and other establishments. Barcelona is not alone.

We’ve already told you about Madrid  and, in addition, in one of our articles, we’ve already told you about the bars in Malaga that allow you to go in with your dog for aperitifs.

Well, we were surprised to find that there are also these cities on DogFriendly:

  • A Coruña;
  • Logrono;
  • Seville;
  • Valence;
  • Vigo;
  • Gijón;
  • Bilbao.

Do you live in any of these cities? Know some places to go with your pet? Tell us about it!

For us, who love animals, it ‘s good to know that more and more people are willing to become aware about animals, and why not, about their owners.

It’s very annoying when we want to do something and can’t do it for the simple reason that it’s not allowed to take your pet. But now not only can you do it, you can also go there with your pet. That’s great!

We hope that those cities that have started to implement these pioneering initiatives will lay down their foundations and set the precedent for not only the rest of Spanish cities moving in this direction, but also all cities in the world.

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