White Hair On Dogs: A Sign Of Premature Aging?

Although it is common for them to be caused by age, the origin of white hair in dogs can be premature due to several factors.
White hair in dogs: a sign of premature aging?

White hairs on dogs are very common. As in humans, aging is one of the main causes of the appearance of these white hairs in our pet. However, it is possible that they arise prematurely.

If a dog is under five years old and has lots of white fur, this could be a sign that something is wrong with his health.

Next, we’ll look at some factors that will help us understand where white hair comes from in dogs and when we should be concerned.

Early aging in dogs

Aging is the most common source of white hair in dogs. However, when a young animal starts to turn gray, it is called premature aging. There are many causes for this; but most of the time, they indicate that there is a problem.

A young dog, which has a lot of white fur, usually also has other health problems. In this case, the appearance of white hair may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as weight loss, lack of appetite or hair loss.

There are also many cases where white hair is associated with stress problems. The dog will then have, in addition to premature aging, a behavior associated with symptoms of anxiety or aggression.

Finally, in some cases, premature aging in dogs has a genetic origin. For example, black dogs are more likely to have white fur prematurely. Race can also be a determining factor.

old dog

Origin of white hair in dogs

If a dog has white fur around its muzzle, it is most likely due to aging.

These white hairs also usually appear on other parts of the body and face: over the eyes, for example.

Regardless of any health problem, after a certain age the dog’s fur begins to lose its color. This usually occurs after approximately seven or eight years of age.

Hair color is marked by a molecule called melanin. It is a pigment that is produced in each hair follicle.

With age, DNA has less and less capacity to produce the cells responsible for creating melanin.

There are also other hypotheses that explain the origin of white hairs, especially when they appear prematurely.

It is believed, for example, that follicles sometimes produce more hydrogen peroxide than normal. And this element would be responsible for the lightening of the hairs.

Why can white hairs on dogs appear early?

As we saw earlier, premature aging in a dog can have different causes. It is important to know them and take appropriate action in time;  to correct this situation and prevent problems that could compromise the dogs’ health.

One of the causes of premature aging can be insufficient nutrition.

Occasionally, discoloration of dog hair is caused by a lack of nutrients. This can happen, for example, in dogs that don’t eat meat.

white fur on young dogs

If, in addition to white fur, our pet has symptoms such as apathy, lack of appetite or weight loss, it may be a parasite infection or even something more serious. In this case, it is necessary to take him to the veterinarian to administer the appropriate treatment.

In practice, it often happens that one of the most frequent reasons for dogs to age prematurely is stress:

dog stress

The relationship between premature aging in dogs and anxiety is very common. There’s no question: dogs suffering from stress will age prematurely.

It is important to pay attention to the signs in order to make the necessary changes that will contribute to our pet’s well-being.

Anxiety and stress in dogs usually manifest themselves, for example, through the destruction of objects in their environment when they are alone.

This psychic state also usually translates into hyperactivity, even after physical exercise, inability to calm down, permanent nervousness or behaviors such as jumping in people.

Dogs can suffer from anxiety when they are alone for a long time at home or when they don’t get out enough.

They can also get stressed when they live with people who are stressed or in very tense environments.

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