Why Do Chihuahuas Tremble?

Why do Chihuahuas tremble?

Chihuahuas are dogs that are characterized by their small size and pointed ears and tail. Everyone who sees them loves them, because their graceful physique and the way they move will win everyone’s heart. However, there is another not-so-pleasant feature, and Chihuahuas tremble.

Why does it happen? Is it a good thing? Is bad? If you have a Chihuahua, are thinking about adopting one, or if you’ve simply asked some of these questions, this article is for you.

Chihuahuas tremble, what are the causes?

There are different causes why Chihuahuas can shiver, but rest assured, none seem to be alarming. These are the most normal:


  • Low sugar level. Because of their small size and fragile anatomy, Chihuahuas tend to have low blood sugar levels. This causes tremors that can scare us at times. Don’t worry, it goes away in a few minutes. But if you find that these tremors are very constant, it is best to talk to a veterinarian and have him prescribe some medication to regulate your sugar levels. Never give him sugar under any circumstances.
  • Emotion. These puppies have intense feelings and emotions, so the mere fact of knowing that you are going to feed them, take them outside or simply play with them or pet them, can make them emotional to the point that it makes them shake.
  • Fear. If your dog is adopted and is one that shivers frequently for no apparent reason, this could be fear. It is likely that he has been mistreated or has received some kind of abuse that makes him fearful all the time. The solution? Love and patience. It may take a while for him to approach you, but if with sweet words and love you show him that there is nothing to fear, he will make a lot of progress.
  • Cold. Due to their low body heat, these dogs suffer from constant cold, even when it seems to be hot. For example, if you take him outside in the summer and when you get home the air conditioning is on, it’s possible that the drastic change in temperature will make you shiver.
  • Nervousness. As we said before, Chihuahuas’ feelings are very intense and so are their nerves. They can get nervous for no apparent reason, without anything strange going on around them. When this happens, they may complain and cry. The best way to solve this is to caress him and speak in a calm voice.
  • Race. Yes, it could be for a reason as simple as this. Why do Chihuahuas tremble? Because despite their small size they have a great personality. For you to understand, the strong personality of these dogs doesn’t fit in such a small body. This makes them have a lot of energy in a small space and the best way to release that energy is through tremors.


Author: Stuart Richards

  • Earache. This will be an easy tremor to be identified, as in addition to the normal tremors, it is very likely that these are stronger than usual and that they are also accompanied by sudden movements of the head. If you notice these signs in your Chihuahua, go to the vet without further delay.
  • Energy. Their accelerated metabolism (which is why they are thin and small) causes Chihuahuas to accumulate excess energy that causes them to shiver. How to solve this? Very easy, try to perform exercises or activities that help you eliminate this excess energy. Drop it on the beach or in a field and let it run freely. You will see how the tremors will pass.

As you can see, there are many causes for Chihuahuas to tremble, all easily identifiable. You are now aware of your tremors, so if you notice anything out of the ordinary, go to the vet without delay.

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