Why Do Dogs Follow Us Everywhere?

Whether by instinct or the bond forged between owner and pet, dogs follow us everywhere.
Why do dogs follow us everywhere?

Our pets are our companions and, in many cases, our shadows. Behind this behavior, there are several difficult reasons for many owners to understand. Do you know why dogs follow us everywhere? The answer, next!

A scientifically explainable behavior

Whether you find a habit charming or frustrating, the truth is that dogs have followed us everywhere since man managed to tame the wolf.

In fact,  this behavior is unlikely to change despite the thousands of years of evolution they carry on their backs.

Nevertheless, if we can understand the extent to which dogs follow us everywhere naturally, it may be that this irritating habit is no longer irritating.

Perhaps it will become a normal part of our daily lives with our faithful companion.

why dogs follow us everywhere

Why do dogs follow us everywhere?

  • The imprinting process   is a phenomenon that was first observed by Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz. First, he found that  the offspring of certain animals detected at birth a mother figure, regardless of whether it was with its mother or caregiver.  The puppy identified this being as a provider of care and food, and constantly followed him wherever he went. This initial link could even modify their later behavior. In the case of dogs, this “imprinting” process takes place during the first 12 weeks of life.
  • Using a reward – training and nurturing as a foundation,  owners can bond with their pets and automatically have them follow them anywhere. If your dog identifies you as a source of food and entertainment, he will likely never want to be separated from you. Despite this, each animal has a different personality and dependency levels, which can vary greatly from one pet to another.
  • Following the nature of the dog’s personality, we should mention that  there are certain animals that live very comfortably among humans and feel very attached to their owners. Some may even experience separation anxiety if the owner is away for a long time. This addiction can become pathological if left unchecked, so it is recommended that you seek the services of a canine ethologist or trainer if separation anxiety becomes a problem in your relationship. Despite this, there are also very independent dogs that enjoy home life without any problems.

walk with dogs

Does this kind of behavior really benefit us?

Some owners say they are tired of having an extra shadow that watches their every move and requires constant encouragement and affection.

For some, however, one of the benefits of having a pet is having the company of a faithful and loving creature who feels happy every time someone comes home from work.

Each owner and each animal enjoy a unique and unrepeatable relationship, whereby both will have to define the limits of their comfort zone to be completely comfortable with each other.

In any case,  if your dog is happy with you and prefers to follow you everywhere, chances are you both are enjoying a beautiful friendship that will last a lifetime.

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