Why Do Dogs Sometimes Howl?

Why do dogs sometimes howl?

Although the most common sound way they communicate is through barking, this is not the only way dogs communicate. In addition to barking, they can moan, whimper and grunt. Also, sometimes dogs howl. Let’s tell the reasons below.

Howling as a legacy of wolves

The causes that cause a dog to howl can be varied. And howling is one more way that these animals have to communicate and that they inherited from their ancestors, the wolves.

But before we go on to talk about the reasons why dogs sometimes howl, let’s make it clear that this is by no means a bad omen.

Detached from this myth or legend, let us then explain the different reasons dogs have for expressing themselves in this way over the centuries. This way, you will better understand your pet and know how to act promptly, if necessary.

Loneliness and anxiety, reasons for howling dogs

A wolf howls, for example, when it is alone in its lair, waiting for the pack to return from hunting. He does this in order to make his comrades return.

If we reproduce this feat for a domestic dog today, we can say that the dog will emit howls – and barks and cries – if they are alone at home and anxiously awaiting the return of the human family.

Howling – and other actions, such as smashing objects or taking care of it anywhere – can become exaggerated if the pet suffers from separation anxiety. In that case, you would be well advised to consult an animal behavior specialist.

Furthermore, there is the extreme case of animals that spend a large part of their day, or of their lives, trapped or locked up. A pet howling or crying in these circumstances is more than understandable.

howls non-stop

Our four-legged friends are known to have highly developed hearing. So when we think they’re howling for no apparent reason, it’s actually responding to a noise from far away that you can’t make out.

In addition, it is very likely that your dog will also howl in imitation. There are certain sounds that, in a way, incite all the dogs in the neighborhood. This is especially noticeable when, in the dead of night, they begin to howl when they hear a siren.

In that case, it’s not our fault. The show will take place, no matter if fire trucks, police vehicles or several different alarms pass through the street. But certain songs or sounds that you make and that your pet considers similar to what he emits can also cause your dogs to howl.

They also howl to get your attention

Hunting dogs often howl when they detect their prey. Thus, they catch the attention of humans.

In the same way, your pet can use this sound feature of his to capture his interest and have you come to the meeting to see what he wants and needs. The animals inherited the wolves’ habit of howling. But they learned to use it as a manipulation tactic with us.

So, most likely, your pet will ask for your presence through this method so that you can play with it and pamper it for a while. But be sure to pay attention to other signs.

If this sound emission persists or if it appears that it is suffering, it may mean that the animal feels pain for a certain reason. In these cases, take him to the vet as soon as possible to determine the cause of the pain.

Other reasons why dogs sometimes howl

Although barking is often the most common form of communication chosen by dogs, in the following examples, some also howl to:

  • delimit your territory
  • Draw attention to their presence, for example, to intruders.

But whatever the reason, accept that it is more than natural for your pet to use this form of communication. So, unless the howling becomes excessive, learn to live with it.

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