Why Is It Important For Puppies To Bond?

When they are little, dogs love to play, we have no doubts about that. But in addition to being in contact with their owners, it is important that puppies interact with other dogs of their age and breed. In this article, we’ll talk more about furry socialization.

Is it safe for puppies to bond?

On more than one occasion, pet owners wonder how good it is for them to come into contact with other animals. It happens mainly when they are little. Therefore, we must take into account something very important: the puppy’s age.

If you are newborn or only a few weeks old, we cannot place you near other animals or species.  They should be restricted to the animals that live in the house and, of course, their mother and brothers (if they are all together).

Puppies are quite fragile at first (they don’t even open their eyes until several days have passed). Therefore, they are vulnerable to all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Abroad, there are many airborne diseases and even animals or people that can hurt them.

The best thing to do is to wait a considerable amount of time, a few weeks, or until the dog has had all the vaccinations. The animal itself will tell us when it’s ready to go out and enjoy life. Like? When you can move around without any problems, when you are active enough and when you can use yourself (feeding on chow, not breast milk).

Where to take the puppies so that they can relate?

Our first outing with the furry will surely be to a nearby park. There will be other dogs, there will be children and plenty of space available for him to play and relate. But beware,  these places are not completely safe. There are usually bacteria, droppings, bigger dogs…

This does not mean that we should eliminate the possibility of the animal relating to others of its species, but that we pay attention. It’s not about releasing him and leaving him at the mercy of the world while we do something else. Little by little and without haste, he himself approaches others to have fun.

Socialization among puppies serves, for example, for them to behave better. Also so that they know how to act in different circumstances. They will know what happens outside their “comfort zone” (home) and will be able to defend their interests with others of their kind.

Dogs need to bond. If they don’t, they can develop negative behaviors (aggression, for example) and even depression or anxiety. On the other hand, if they are in contact with animals and people beyond their home, they will be very happy.

How to socialize a puppy

Our puppy’s debut in society is really important. This event must be held between the third and twelfth week of the animal’s life. If we have a small breed dog, we must take into account who he is related to (larger breeds can hurt him, even if it’s playing) and, above all, the character of his new friends.

We can also socialize it with a cat, rabbit or other pet we have at home. It is essential that the other animal is friendly, kind and calm.

In turn, it is important that the puppy is in contact with people outside the family environment, including adults and children. Pay attention to the little ones, as they tend to bother the puppies a lot (in the middle of the games, of course) and can traumatize them. The next time you see a child, the dog can act dangerously.

A domesticated dog enjoys life with humans. Therefore, we must not deprive him of this possibility. A pet that interacts with its surroundings, that is in contact with other animals and people, will undoubtedly be happier and live better. Let the puppies bond!

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