Your Dog Doesn’t Like Guests? Follow These Tips!

Your dog doesn't like guests?  Follow these tips!

We love our dog, he is more important to us than many other things. However, whenever we receive guests at home, we feel like arresting him. Why are some dogs so insufferable when there are visitors at home? What can you do to prevent or even change this behavior?

Why don’t dogs like home visits?

In order to avoid or change a behavior, we must first know its causes. There are many reasons that can lead our dog to not like visitors. We list some of them:

enter your territory

dog and family

Dogs are pack and territorial animals. It probably took work to make him understand that you are the leader. He has already accepted and is happy under his rule in his territory. His territory, and he doesn’t want it to be anyone else’s.

When strangers to him, of course, come into the house, he feels them as a threat to what is his home, and for that he can become aggressive with visitors.

Bad Education

But there is also the other side of the coin: the overly affectionate dog. The former could show aggression, while the latter is so affectionate that it becomes uncomfortable and sticky, being more of a nuisance than a pleasure.

That’s because  they weren’t well educated when they were puppies and didn’t learn their place. Puppies, when they are still babies, are beautiful and everyone wants to see and touch them. But when they’re grown up, things change, especially if your friends have kids now.

If from the beginning you allow the dog to do what he wants when he has visitors at home, it is very likely that he will continue doing it now because, in his mind, he is still the same puppy.


Fear of losing your love can be another reason your dog doesn’t want visitors at home. This is not strange behavior, as even children do it.

Always remember that a dog, just like a child, is dependent on you. If he sees that your affection and attention are threatened, he is very likely to become aggressive.

your peace

When he arrived as a puppy, it is likely that he was slow to adapt and see his house as a home. But over time he has succeeded and his home is a refuge where he finds peace.

Suddenly, while he sleeps, strangers arrive making a lot of noise with the bell, as they greet everyone, with the children, talking loudly and their peace is disturbed. Who likes having guests bring in without telling us? So think about it and consider whether your dog’s attitude is not understandable.

How to avoid bad behavior with visitors

Don’t worry, even if you haven’t educated your dog since a puppy, there are several things you can do to prevent or eradicate misbehavior with visits.

chat with your guests

We must remember that, between us and the animal, it is the one that is fragile, because it is dependent and needs our help. Talk to your guests and ask them not to show fear, not scream when opening the door and allow the dog to sniff them while they are silent.

Ask them to, once they’ve done these steps, tell the animal something pretty, put their hand together for it to sniff, and pet it if it’s okay.

Ignore it

If the dog won’t allow the above steps to be done and starts barking and grunting like crazy,  ignore him and ask your guests to do the same, as long as you are sure the animal won’t bite anyone.

beware of fear


Fearful dogs are a little more delicate and that’s why we have to be extra careful. Ask your guests not to stare into the animal’s eyes and not to try to play with it, even if it comes close.

They should let the dog sniff without making any sudden movements or raising their voices. It is possible that, in a few minutes, they will gain the furry’s trust.

Above all, we should avoid anything that might make you even more emotional. Be calm and patient and you will make your dog charming.

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