Your Dog’s Oral And Dental Hygiene

Your dog's oral and dental hygiene

Your dog’s oral and dental hygiene may be something you don’t take into consideration. However, it is of paramount importance. That’s because it can improve the quality of life and prevent disease. Would you like to know all the advice needed to carry out this cleaning? Well then, let’s tell you!

What You Should Know About Oral and Dental Hygiene

The first thing you need to understand is that your dog’s oral and dental hygiene is your responsibility, as they are not capable of doing it themselves. It should start from a puppy, because with two or three weeks of life, he will already have 28 teeth and permanent teeth will not take long to appear. By the time he is six months old, the dog will already have 42 teeth that he will carry with him for life.

What are the risks of poor oral and dental hygiene?

When there is no good oral hygiene, health problems may appear before the age of three. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of this procedure. These problems will arise because of excess tartar accumulated on the surface of the teeth. Tartar is the accumulation of calcium and phosphorus that bacteria present in the mouth take advantage of.

girl brushing dog teeth

These bacteria degrade the gums, causing gingivitis in the animal and causing it to lose its teeth. Therefore, examinations of the dog’s dental arch are necessary.

How to maintain good oral and dental hygiene

Let’s see the step by step to be followed so that your dog has a healthy mouth and there are no problems with it.

1. Start with a visit to the veterinarian. The best is that the vet examine your dog’s mouth and determine whether or not there is a problem that needs to be addressed. As a general rule, for a complete examination, the dog is given general anesthesia. This is not something you should be concerned about.

2. Ask your veterinarian for a demonstration. Many vets are willing to show you how you can brush your dog’s teeth well. This will help you to accomplish your task more easily.

3. Look for an appropriate toothpaste. Never think about cleaning your dog’s teeth with human toothpaste, as there is a special toothpaste for dogs that you can buy at veterinary clinics or Pet Shops. You should choose a toothpaste that is enzymatic, has a greater effect on bacteria and can be ingested without problems.

4. Use a dog toothbrush. There are different types of Toothbrush for dogs. You should ask your veterinarian which one might be most suitable for your pet. According to the size of your muzzle and your dental arch, the brush should be one or the other. Some dogs, however, do not support brushes, so you may have to use a plastic thimble brush or other product that the vet might suggest.

owner brushing the teeth of a poodle dog

More advice on your dog’s oral and dental hygiene

1. Do this hygiene gradually. Don’t brush your dog’s teeth abruptly, but brush it little by little, and slowly so that it doesn’t feel attacked and try to bite. You can start by putting some toothpaste on your finger and let it sniff it out.

2. Do this procedure frequently. Ideally, you would brush your dog’s teeth every day, but if you keep brushing this procedure twice a week, it will be enough. The important thing is to keep the habit.

3. Toys for dental health. the bones and the toys Hard to bite are ideal for keeping your pet’s mouth clean.

4. Don’t forget about the prizes. Dog treats, considered prizes for stimulating positive reinforcement, are also ideal for keeping teeth and gums healthy.

Follow these advices and make your dog’s oral and dental hygiene part of your routine so that he is a healthy and happy dog, who does not have to suffer from problems in the oral cavity.

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